Caltech Classes
I took a lot of classes at Caltech. Here is the list, not including PE or singing a cappella in Out of Context, or TA-ing Intro Graphics for Al Barr, or building Interhovse (a huge, awesome party), or being on Socteam, etc. Each entry below is a full term-long class. This list is mostly for my own reference, mostly for that feeling of satisfaction of making a list.
As a Freshman
Solid-State Electronics for Integrated Circuits
Calculus of One Variable
Linear Algebra / Probability
Calculus of Several Variables
Chemistry Inorganic
Chemistry Organic
Classical Mechanics
Electromagentism I
Electromagentism II
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Introduction to Tractability
Computation, Computers, and Programs
History: Greek Civilization
History: American Society and Politics (Progressive Era)
Fundamentals of Modern Biology (Drugs and the Brain)
As a Sophomore
Introduction to Complex Analysis
Radio Electronics Laboratory
Statistics / Linear Algebra
Statistical Physics, Waves, and Thermodynamics
Ordinary Differential Equations, as Applied Math
Radio Electronics Laboratory
Ordinary Differential Equations, Core Math
Literature: Drama from Moliere to Wilde
Quantum Mechanics
Partial Differential Equations
Software Engineering in Java, Distributed Programming
Chemistry Laboratory
Introduction to Economics
Literature: Drama from Ibsen to Beckett
As a Junior
Programming Languages, including Denotational Semantics
Projects in Music and Science
Elementary Spanish I
Programming Languages, System F, Type Theory
Principles of Microprocessor Systems
Projects in Music and Science (built Microphone Preamp)
Elementary Spanish II
Introduction to Computing Systems
Introduction to Computer Graphics Laboratory
Geology: Earth and Environment
Law: Intellectual Property
As a Senior
Discrete Mathematics, some Group Theory
Silkscreening and Airbrushing
Technical Presentation Seminar
Law and Politics
History and Philosophy of Science: Modern Physics
Projects I in Computer Graphics with Al Barr
Introduction to Current Computer Graphics Research, Laboratory
Introduction to the Law
Technical Writing
Compiler Design Laboratory
Projects II in Computer Graphics with Al Barr
Geometric Modeling with Peter Schröder
Drawing and Painting with Jim Barry
Music of the Twentieth Century with Tom Neeman
Haskell Language Lab with Mike Vanier
Projects III in Computer Graphics with Al Barr